Sunday, March 6, 2011

Slipping away

I'd been planning to make a trip to France this spring, and now I don't know if I'll be able to because of all the classwork I have and my limited mobility.  I'm taking three, soon to be four, online classes before my masters starts at the end of June.  Two of the classes have definite end dates, but the other two can be completed over the course of six months.  Right now I'm not sure when I'll be done with them.  There's so much work for these classes!  They're only ten "units" but each unit is a lot of reading and answering of questions.  And they have final exams!  I should be buying tickets now so that I don't have to pay an arm and a leg, but I just don't know if I'll have time before the masters starts.

France is slowly slipping away from me.  The problem with having time to visit isn't going to get any better when I enroll in the masters and hopefully, eventually, get a real job.  It makes me sad.  I loved my time in France, but I love my time at home too.  I know if I visit for a couple of weeks it would be so hard to leave again, but if I were going back for an extended period of time, it would be hard to leave.  Not to mention the fact that I did not like my transplant specialist in Paris.  Going back for an extended period of time seems very unlikely.  Nothing is set in stone yet about my travel availability, but it looks pretty unlikely for this spring, and the longer it gets between visits, the less likely they become. 

Can I push pause on my classes for a couple of weeks and go to France?   Please?


islandgirl4ever2 said...

Hi Mir...

Ohhhhh!!! I know how much it means to you to come and visit.. AND, I would just LOVE to see you again! BUT, big butt here--- you're in school and your studies are calling you... If you were on break with no work to do... that would be different..
But, with school brings work and responsibilities..
I know that's a sucky excuse.. but it's the only one I have and the one that kept me from traveling when I was at Uni...
Except for the time I took a quarter off and traveled- but that was different...
Hugs to you... PAUSE------ Leese

EconomicDisconnect said...

My only request, don't title a post as "Slipping Away"! I almot passed out seeing the title. Glad you are ok.

shannon said...

I wish you could come out here! But I agree with Leese, your studies are very important! Good luck with your classes!

Monique Geisler said...

Ugh, I have similar woes. I can't find time working full time either. My stint of unemployment wasn't even conducive to traveling either since I was going broke haha. :(

Don't worry, we'll find time again some day in the future! Maybe when you're getting your master's you can study abroad!

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel... I wish I could go too to see my family but I'm pretty busy with work now.

But who wants to go to France in the spring? I mean, strike season? But Sarko is still president... yuck :-D

au soleil levant said...

Leese - you're right, school is different. I wish it weren't! Thanks for the "pause..."

GYSC - oh no! Sorry about the title of the post. I'm fine, still kicking :)

Shannon - thanks!

Monique - the masters has a really strong classroom based curriculum, like I'll be in a class for the full year of the masters, so study abroad isn't in my future!

Zhu - You're right, it is strike season, so maybe I'm actually getting out of a really rough time? Sorry you miss your family.