I went down to the sous-préfecture today to see if the récépissé for my carte de séjour was ready yet ( this is the piece of paper that says I've applied for my green card) . Remember that there's a weird new lady this year who wanted my last three pay slips, attestations from Sécu, and my tax sheet in addition to the usual birth certificate, contract, etc. I'd kind of been thinking that with all of these extra things submitted for my CDS that I might somehow slip under the radar and get a salarié card instead of an assistant/lecteur card. A salarié would be valid for about a year, give me the right to stay and work in France and the right to renew the card versus the assistant card that's over and done with when your contract is up.
The récepissé was ready, and after telling the weird new lady how happy I am that Obama was elected, I left the office, free to examine my shiny new piece of paper from the French government. And it says....
"... a demandé la delivrance d'un premier titre de séjour d'un an..."
Or in English, that I have made the request for a CDS of one year! I don't know for sure if it will be salarié or if it'll be a normal temporary card that's valid for longer than usual. In any case, I'm cautiously hopeful! This means that theoretically I will be able to stay in France without having to find a guy who will PACS me. I'll just have to find a company desperate to employ a native English speaker.
Come to think of it, finding a man is probably easier!
I agree with your last sentence!! And more fun, too!! ; )
Ahh... interesting. I hope it is for a year! My fingers are crossed for you. I just went and looked at my letter, and it said the same thing, but mine ended up not being for a year...
That's cool!
At least, you have something. From the Préfecture. A miracle, indeed.
Hmm... What comment did you have to delete?!
Some weird spammer comment dissing Obama. I think the guy's name was Tom? I hope I don't start getting those spam comments again!
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