Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Someone's been bad about posting....

Hello!  Hope everyone is settling back into work and/or school now that they're back in session.

Things here have been fine.  I'm still recovering from treatment, i.e. I'm still pretty weak (stupid steroids) and trying to rebuild my strength.  I've been enrolling - errrr, trying to enroll is more like it - in the prereq classes I need for the masters in education that I'm hoping to be admitted to when I send in my application.  Which I am also still working on.  I told them I'd have it in by Friday, so I guess I'd better finish it by then!

I am LOVING the weather!  I love snow, I think it's gorgeous, it's fun to play in, and it makes everything seem right when you look out the window, like there isn't anything wrong in he world.  Sure, it's dangerous to drive in but you can usually avoid the idiots who don't slow down.  Although my town doesn't seem to have plowed the streets of my subdivision after yesterday's snow yet.  What's up wth that?

Aaaannnndddd, the most excitng news is I GOT SELECTED FOR JURY DUTY!  Guys, I am such a dork.  I have always wanted to serve on a jury.  Laugh all you want, but I think it's cool.  I got the letter calling me to a selection date when I was still not feeling so great so I had asked my doctor for a note to excuse me from jury duty, but then ether he forgot to write it or I forgot to pick it up, so I had no excuse for not being there.  It's the third-ish time I've been called.  The first time was after my first transplant so obviously I couldn't serve, the second time was in June on a date that I was out of town so I got a deferral, which was for Monday.  No idea why the deferral took so long.  I had forgotten all about my summons quite honestly and suddenly emembered over the weekend, luckily!  I'm pretty excited, even if it is a not so interesting case.  It's a misdemeanor asssault and battery charge.  There are actually only 6 jurors and one alternate.  I'm a little embarrassed to say that I didn' realize misdemeanor trials only have six jurors! 

The trial is tomorrow and should only last the day.  Wish me luck!  I'll report all the details after the trial.


Monique Geisler said...

I've been called for jury duty twice... but it was always in the district where my uncle was a lawyer/judge ha, so I was always dismissed.

Since I'm unemployed and don't have any money, I totally want to be called before my job starts!!! But that's not going to happen, instead I'm going to get chosen at a very inopportune time. Enjoy yours :)

shannon said...

Good luck!

Animesh said...

Good luck for your role in "six angry (wo)men"! :)

EconomicDisconnect said...

Oh dear! So glad you are feeling well enough! One lady I work with got stuck with jury duty for 6 months!!!! Wild.

I am overjoyed that you can post and you are feeling better. I do send you my best wishes all the time. Ready for playoff weekend?

au soleil levant said...

Monique - I don't think I know anyone who got out of jury duty for knowing someone. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get called before February :)

Shannon - thanks!

Animesh - thanks! I love that movie.

GYSC - 6 months??? Wow, must have been a big crime! Thanks for the good wishes. I'm definitely ready for the playoff weekend! Go Pats!

EconomicDisconnect said...

Steelers and Packers win! Just as I have forseen....

EconomicDisconnect said...

Sad night in EconomicDisconnect land. I think I am done watching football forvever.

How are you doing?

au soleil levant said...

Hey, you picked three out of four games correctly... even if the most important one was, unfortunately, not right.

I highly doubt you're done watching football forever. I predict that you'll be flipping channels next weekend and get sucked into one of the games that are on :)